Insightful Bookkeeping for Real Estate Investors

Ambrose Bookkeepers prepares smarter data so you can make more strategic business decisions.

Who we serve

We’re the bookkeepers for real estate rebels, insightful investors, and profitable properties.

Owning a rental property can be a great source of income, but it’s not exactly passive. Between finding and retaining tenants, maintaining the property, and responding to requests, you have your hands full.

Partnering with us gives you the time freedom – and peace of mind – to prioritize the property and your tenants, knowing that we’re keeping accurate records, tracking expenses, and helping you plan for future repairs.

Focus on booking out your short term rental, and we’ll handle the books.

Partnering with us gives you real data on how your property is performing, which helps you make smart decisions about your rates and rules. Plus, our comprehensive financial reports can help you plan for upcoming expenses or enhancements, and make sure that every short-term stay is properly accounted for.

HGTV isn’t exactly the real world, and that’s why it makes all the difference for a bookkeeper to have your back.

Flipping houses requires significant investment, and unexpected expenses during the reno can quickly eat into your profits. We’ll keep you informed with insights that keep the project budget on track – and we’ll book the sale expertly to protect your profits.

Here’s your permission slip to spend less time in the office and more time on the property.

We’ll set you up for success by handling your financial foundation, tracking rent payments, recording expenses, and preparing thorough financial reports.

You’ll have more time to manage repairs and tenant requests, and fewer worries about what’s going on in the spreadsheet.

Why bring Ambrose Bookkeepers into your books?

Here’s how your business benefits when we partner up.

Stress less

You know better than anyone that real estate investing isn’t for the faint of heart. With so much riding on your decisions, you can’t afford (literally, or figuratively!) to wing it and hope everything works out.

We exclusively work with real estate investors because we personally and professionally understand the risk and reward you’re facing. Our record-keeping gives you priceless peace of mind, and our analysis helps you ditch second-guessing and self-doubt when it comes to your finances.

Save – and then increase – your profit

In the world of real estate investing, bookkeeping can quickly help you save more than you spend. Our expert record-keeping reduces your risk of errors and fines, identifies cost-saving opportunities, streamlines your processes, and cuts the costly hours your tax CPA spends on your returns.

Having detailed and up-to-date financial records also helps you make more informed decisions, allowing you to identify and strategically seize new business opportunities. Knowing exactly what’s working – and what’s not – sets you up for smart growth.

Simplify tax season – finally

The tax season scramble stops here.

Every month, you get a neatly organized package with all the financial info your tax CPA will need to make filing your tax returns a breeze. And the best part? Coordinating with your tax accountant is like second nature to us, and we can decode any accounting lingo to make sure you feel empowered about your business’ finances.

Scale your business

You hear it all the time from the real estate gurus. In order to level up your real estate investing game, you need to treat it like a business.

The key is having the ability to ensure that your financial resources are aligned with your goals and objectives. We can help you take your business to the next level by setting you up with the right processes and reports to clearly understand how your business is doing, where growth is possible, and where you can improve.

We’re powered by real estate, relationships, and


We’re truthful and transparent with you – always.


You can trust us to get it right every single time.


You never settle for the status quo, and we don’t either.


Let’s set your financials up to fuel your vision.

Meet your bookkeeper, Kristen Ambrose

CPA-turned-bookkeeper, Quickbooks ProAdvisor, and fellow real estate investor

Are you ready to power up your real estate success by finally prioritizing your bookkeeping? Tag me in and let’s make it happen.

As a house-hacking enthusiast and investor myself, I understand just how important it is to have a trustworthy team behind you in your real estate business. As my husband and I have grown our portfolio of long-term rentals, we’ve seen firsthand how the choice of realtor or contractor can be a make-or-break decision – and the same is true for your bookkeeper.

I’ve combined my passions for real estate investing and accounting to create a thriving bookkeeping practice for investors like you. Whether you’re looking to scale your portfolio or sustain your properties with less stress, knowing your numbers puts the power, confidence, and freedom back in your hands. (After all, that’s why you got into the game, right?)

Bookkeeping services for real estate investors

Because we understand your industry inside and out.

Quickbooks Online Cleanup

If your records need a cleanup before you can even think about what comes next, we’re here for you.

Whether you’re a few months behind or simply need to tidy up, we’ll reconcile and streamline your books, ensuring accurate financial reporting up to your last filed tax return.

What You’ll Receive:

  • A customized chart of accounts tailored for real estate investing
  • Property tracking capabilities
  • Entity tracking capabilities
  • Incoming & outgoing transaction matching
  • Bank, credit card and mortgage reconciliations
  • Property manager statement reconciliations
  • Financial reports
  • Profitability tracking by project
  • Email & phone support for the duration of your cleanup

Investment: Starting at $1,500

most popular


Take control of your business finances with our full-service monthly bookkeeping package.

We know exactly what to capitalize and what to expense, how to book purchases and closings to give your business the biggest benefit, and the clearest way to give you detailed reporting at both the property and entity level. You’ll finally understand your financial performance with clear, easy-to-read reports and personalized analysis to make sense of it all.

What You’ll Receive:

  • Incoming & outgoing transaction matching
  • Monthly bank, credit card and mortgage reconciliations
  • Monthly property manager statement reconciliations
  • Monthly financial reports
  • Profitability tracking by project
  • Profitability tracking by project
  • Easy, consistent email & phone support (without navigating a single phone tree)
  • Year-end tax ready package
  • Coordination with your tax CPA
  • Discounted Quickbooks Online access
  • Peace of mind (this one’s unlimited!)

Investment: Starting at $400/month


Ready to skip the spreadsheet and upgrade to a smoother system? Streamline your financial management with our QuickBooks Online (QBO) setup services.

Whether you are just starting out or have been using Excel or another accounting software, we can help you make the transition. We’ll expertly set up and optimize your QBO account so it’s completely tailored to the needs of your real estate business.

What You’ll Receive

Incoming & outgoing transaction matching

  • A customized chart of accounts tailored for real estate investing
  • Property tracking capabilities
  • Entity tracking capabilities
  • Sample of journal entries and reporting
  • Email & phone support, so you’re completely confident with how to move forward

Investment: $100/hour


How the process works

We create better data for better decision making.

Discovery call

We’ll set up a quick call to discuss your business, your goals and where your finances are at today.

(And even if you feel like your books are a mess, there’s no judgment here. We’re on your team.)

Financial Statement Diagnostic

Let’s understand where you are in order to customize your path forward. We’ll look through your current financials and give you a line-by-line analysis on what could improve. The cost of the diagnostic ($200) is credited towards a future service if you decide to move forward with one of our packages.

Account Setup and Support

We’ll send you a list of all the statements and access that we’ll need to get the job done efficiently.

After you grant us these files and connect with us in our shared Google Drive, your work here is done.

Consistent Record-Keeping and Analysis

We’ll dive into the details and optimize your financials using specific best practices for the real estate industry. With accurate reconciliations and reports, we’re a well oiled machine on your team.

Monthly Meetings

What gets measured gets managed. Taking some time every month to review your financial results allows you to make more informed decisions, whether you’re looking to scale or to sustain with less stress. We’ll translate everything you need to know to set you up for success.


What our clients are saying.

Frequently asked questions

We’re here to answer whatever’s on your mind.

What types of businesses do you specialize in?

At Ambrose Bookkeepers, we specialize in working with small to medium size businesses in the real estate space. This includes short term and long term rental real estate investors, property managers, and flippers. We have a deep understanding of the financial needs and challenges faced by these particular businesses, and we are committed to helping them succeed and achieve their financial goals.

Our real estate expertise helps us meet your needs in ways that generalist bookkeepers may not. Knowing how to book closing statements correctly, track escrow accounts properly, capitalize major repair expenses, and set up the system to be able to track by property and entity are all critical for your business, and you can count on us to get it right.

I only own one or two properties – is my business too small for bookkeeping?

No, your business is not too small for bookkeeping! In fact, the earlier you hire a bookkeeper, the fewer headaches you’ll have in the future. By keeping your financial records organized and up-to-date from the start, you’ll be able to make more informed decisions about your business and identify any potential issues or areas for improvement. This can save you time, money, and frustration in the long run.

Additionally, waiting to hire a bookkeeper until your financial records are a mess can be expensive. Large cleanups can take a lot of time and effort, which can drive up the cost of bookkeeping services. By hiring a bookkeeper early on, you can avoid the need for a large cleanup and save money in the process.

Overall, there’s no such thing as a business that’s too small for bookkeeping. Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur or the owner of a growing company, a bookkeeper can help you better manage your finances and achieve your business goals. So don’t wait – hire us today and set yourself up for success!

Do you file taxes?

Ambrose Bookkeepers doesn’t offer tax preparation services. However, we do coordinate with your tax CPA to ensure that your financial records are in order and ready for tax season. This can save you time and money by making the process of working with your tax CPA smoother and more efficient.

I’ve never worked with a bookkeeper before. What benefits can I expect from the bookkeeping process?

We treat your business finances with care to save you time, stress, and money. On your own, it’s overwhelming to figure out how to track your projects and profits in addition to all of your property-related responsibilities. We back you up by:

  • Finding and eliminating duplicate charges or mistakes
  • Managing even large volumes of transactions so you’ll know exactly what you’ve spent and how it tracks against the budget
  • Employing smart strategies like capitalizing certain expenses to save you real money come tax time
  • Ensuring all your rent has been received and documented
  • Reducing the time (and expense!) it takes for your tax CPA to organize your financials and process your returns
  • Guiding you through all the details of your finances, so you completely understand where you are and what’s possible

And so much more.If there’s something else you’re curious about, go ahead and book a call with us so we can talk through your situation!

What makes Ambrose Bookkeepers different?

At Ambrose Bookkeepers, we offer a personal touch that sets us apart from other bookkeeping firms. We take the time to get to know our clients and understand their unique needs and goals, which allows us to provide customized solutions that are tailored specifically to them.

As the owner of Ambrose Bookkeepers, I (Kristen) bring a unique perspective to the table as well. I’m not only a licensed CPA and Quickbooks Online ProAdvisor, but I am also a successful real estate investor myself. This means that I have a deep understanding of the financial needs and challenges faced by real estate investors, and can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on my own personal experience.

Overall, our combination of personalized service and real estate investing expertise makes us a valuable asset for any real estate investor looking to better manage their finances. We are committed to helping our clients succeed and achieve their financial goals, and we would love the opportunity to do the same for you.

Bonus resources for better bookkeeping

With tax season right around the corner, do you find yourself asking what’s deductible? Here’s a free checklist we compiled to walk you through 75 potential deductions!

Questions? Ready to get started? Reach out!

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